Nowy Wełnowiec

Multifunctional and eco-friendly district is to be developed in the northern part of Katowice. A 30-hectare post-industrial area of a former steelworks will be reintegrated into the city with green spaces forming the backbone of the entire development.


The starting point of the investment is the centrally located park area, which will become the multifunctional heart of the neighborhood

The Nowy Wełnowiec project is not just the foundation for a modern district but also an integral part of a broader strategy for the development of Katowice. The architectural and urban design has been conceived to ensure a harmonious connection with the surroundings while meeting the diverse needs of the local community and future users.


One of the key elements of the project is the strong integration of Nowy Wełnowiec with the existing urban fabric. The project emphasizes that the spaces between buildings are just as, if not more, important than the buildings themselves. It highlights the need for urban planning to foster social connections while also embracing a sustainable, environmentally responsible approach to architecture.


Kamila Lejman-Kudła, Sonja Marczewski, Marta Przygoda, Oliwia Rybczyńska, Lucyna Rydel, Marta Tomasiak

Partners & Collaborators

JEMS (lead architect), Investeko (stormwater management strategy and land reclamation study), Termostudio (sanitary engineering), Janura (electricity engineering), Sweco (road engineering)


30 ha


Grupa Capital Park, Eko-Bryza


since 2019


Studio Wydmy, Igor Brożyna

The project is a response to social needs as well as those related to climate change and ecology – the designed solutions utilize technologies that reduce the impact of buildings on the environment while ensuring a high quality of life for residents

The center and « backbone » of the Nowy Wełnowiec development is a vast park covering approximately 4 hectares. The park, shaped like a four-armed star, not only serves a recreational function but also acts as a meeting place for the local community, offering a variety of attractions. The project includes numerous functional zones, such as sports areas, playgrounds, and gardens for seniors, creating a cohesive recreational space accessible to the residents of Wełnowiec, while also serving as an attraction for the entire city of Katowice.


The architecture of Nowy Wełnowiec focuses on maintaining harmony with the surrounding landscape by introducing clear linear green structures, such as tree alleys and low greenery along the streets. These elements not only enhance the space’s charm but also integrate the new development with the existing landscape structures.

The central park, green squares, bike paths, and creative playgrounds are seamlessly integrated into the neighborhood, open to the city’s residents

The urban concept focuses on creating external spaces based on user flow corridors and key junctions, as well as in relation to the functions of building ground floors. Identifying key junctions, which are areas where different flow corridors meet and intersect, these locations became programmed points, concentrating social and cultural activity, and were shaped to be accessible and attractive for various social groups.

The main public space of the full district is the centrally located green meadow – this elliptical lawn, surrounded by a ring of trees, serves as a space for neighborhood gatherings and local events

The new district is designed as a 15-minutes green city – walkable thought the network of green spaces that connect people and invite them to come together

The diversity of outdoor spaces in Nowy Wełnowiec is the essence of the site development project. Based on the typology of parks, green passageways, local « streets » with thoughtfully designed squares, small parks, and gardens, as well as green roofs, the neighborhood offers an attractive and functional environment for all residents. These diverse elements create visually appealing and dynamic landscapes that encourage social interaction and outdoor activities.


As a result, Nowy Wełnowiec becomes not only a place to live but also a center for social life, physical activity, culture, and sustainable ecological practices. The neighborhood not only meets the basic needs of its residents but also inspires collective action, fostering a community where the foundation is built upon outdoor spaces that promote integration and the development of residents’ passions.

The majority of public spaces function on a supra-local scale – main squares and playgrounds cater not only to the new residents but also to the broader community of Katowice

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