Skwer Gwary
The currently neglected square is set to become a vibrant local hub – a public space with diverse functions and dynamic, engaging urban « edges ».

The concept for the square near the former PDT in Wola was developed through an extensive participatory process led by the « Na Miejscu » Foundation. It began with an assessment of local residents’ needs and an accessibility audit focused on seniors and parents with children. This was followed by design workshops and consultations involving approximately 500 participants. The project was coordinated with local institutions, including businesses, local government, and cultural organizations.
Katarzyna Dorda, Paulina Rduch, Dominika Trybe, Marta Tomasiak
« Na Miejscu » Foundation
5 ha
5 493 325,00 PLN
City of Warsaw
2018 – 2019

The square’s design incorporates placemaking principles aimed at creating vibrant and engaging public spaces. This approach is rooted in the belief that the local community is the true expert on its surroundings. Key principles include integrating multiple functions within the same space (known as the “Power of Ten”) and ensuring accessibility for all users.

Access to food and drink was also considered essential. Special solutions were introduced for older adults, enhancing mobility and comfort through carefully selected urban furniture and its strategic placement.

The plan includes free and affordable amenities such as a public restroom, a drinking fountain, and a small kiosk offering snacks. Meanwhile, shaded pathways in the park area invite visitors to take leisurely walks and enjoy moments of contemplation in nature.

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